Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hey! I got one!

I spent a ton of time fishing for largemouth bass here in New England this past summer. Technically, I've been a bass fisherman for years. About 25 years ago my father-in-law gave me a rod and a tackle box for Christmas. I fished from then on and did so for a few years. Never had great success, but I enjoyed it just the same. As my family grew there was less and less time for fishing. I found other interests too. Fishing took a back seat, way in the back. Like in the trunk. Things have changed. I can't even remember why, but I started fishing again. Glad I did. It's fun and it's relaxing. It reunited me with my brother, Dana. We go fishing together 2-3 times a month during the all too short season here in New England. It gave me something that I could do with my young daughter, Meagan. Just me and her. She has grown to love fishing. She even out fished me on more than one occasion this past summer, which I think is a good thing. No ego here. It's a great way to spend your free time. Meagan and I visited several of the local ponds this year. Dana and I took her out in his boat a couple times also. Dana lives in New Hampshire and I in Mass. We split our time between the two states. There is no shortage of lakes and ponds in New England. The privilege of spending time with Dana and Meagan, combined with just being in the great outdoors, the wildlife, the beautiful scenery and the wonderful New England air make for memories I will keep forever.

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