Saturday, December 30, 2006

Holy Crap!

Wow! So it's 5:00 PM Wednesday, December 20th, and I'm closing the auto parts store that I work at. Just as I'm about to lock myself inside to count cash and run daily reports in walks the boss. She informs me that she's laying me off. I say, "So I'm done on Friday?" She says "no, right now" and "give me the keys". Tells me things are bad (no shit) and that they're closing the store for good soon. I've been a loyal employee there for 12 years. Treated the store like it was my own. Knew their customers better than they did. Ya think she could have waited until December 26th? Nah, screw that. If she did that then she would have had to thrown in a friggin Christmas bonus. Assholes.

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