Saturday, December 30, 2006

Vacationing in 2006

My wife Dawn and I went to a town called Richfield Springs in upstate New York the last week of June this year. We had been there a few years earlier and liked it so much that we thought that we would go there again. We stayed at the same bed and breakfast that we stayed at last time. A place called The Lake House. We ended up with the same room we had the last time we were there. We only planned on staying for the weekend as we were celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary as just wanted to get away 'alone' for once. We really didn't do a lot for the two days that we were there. Richfield Springs is a very laid back, slow pace of life farming town. There's not a lot happening there. That's part of the charm of the town in my opinion. Much of it appears to be as I imagine it was in the early 1900's. We arrived Friday night. After we checked in to the B&B we went down to the small center of town. More of a crossroads than anything else. We went into a small pizza restaurant and ordered a pizza. On a whim, Dawn grabbed a beer from the self serve display. Oh oh, we don't drink! Neither of us has had a beer in years! We went outside and grabbed a table, waiting for the pizza. She tasted the beer and suggested that I have a taste too! I did. It was damn good, so good that I went inside and got my own! The pizza was brought to our table, we ate and drank, three beers between us, and got pretty tipsy. I guess it doesn't take much to get a buzz if you don't drink. Of course, by the time we were done eating the glow was pretty much gone, which was a good thing as we needed to drive back to the B&B. That's only a mile from the pizza joint, but Murphy's law states that I'd get pulled over for a tail light and end up getting arrested. Don't need that. The next day I spent some time fishing on Canadarago Lake, on which the B&B is located, as Dawn lounged on the shore sunning and reading. Saturday night we went to a little Italian bistro a few towns over, Sulphur Springs as I recall. Another one horse town. You go down the main street, there's about 6 businesses and then you're into the residential area. Good food and nice atmosphere. Another building that looks exactly as I imagined it would 100 years ago. Sunday morning I did a little more fishing as Dawn slept in. She's an expert at sleeping. We had breakfast downstairs at the B&B, packed up and left for home. We'll have to go back again.

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