Saturday, December 30, 2006

Enable Auto Login

One of the first things I like to do to customize my personal Fedora Core Gnome desktop is to enable auto-login. To do that, go to the top menu and select System/Administration/Login Screen. Type in the root password and the 'Login Window Preferences' window appears. On the left side under 'include' click the 'add' button to add yourself to the llist. Now click 'apply user changes'. Click on the 'security' tab. Tick 'enable automatic login' and select your user name from the dropdown menu. Tick 'enable timed login' and select your user name from the dropdown menu. Close the preferences window. This will allow you to get to the desktop when system boots without having to select a user and typing password. This is just my preference. Some will say that this practice is a security risk. That's fine. My computer is a home system that is only accessed by me and rarely, if at all, my family members.One of the first things I like to do to customize my personal Fedora Core Gnome desktop is to enable auto-login. To do that, go to the top panel and select System/Administration/Login Screen.

As always, comments and suggestions are welcome. If I'm in error and need to make a correction please, by all means, let me know. I want all info presented here to be accurate.

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