Saturday, December 30, 2006

What next?

So I sit here in front of my computers, the day after Christmas, wondering what I should do next. I am not used to being unemployed. This is a new game for me. I feel guilty, like I did something terrible. I know it's not my fault, but that doesn't ease the guilt. I feel as though I should get up early every day and go out looking for work. I feel like I should be driving all over creation, stopping anywhere and everywhere asking 'are you hiring?'. I feel as though I should take the first job that comes along, no matter what the pay is or what the hours are.

I'm going to sign up for unemployment. Guess that's one of the first things I should do. I called the DES this morning. As you could have guessed I was greeted with an automated answering service. Press 1 for this. If this is a new claim press 1. Enter your social security number. Enter your year of birth. If you are claiming dependent children you will need their social security numbers. Press 1. "We're sorry". "Due to a larger than expected call volume we are unable to take your call at this time". "Please call back later". This sucks. I wanted some time off, but not like this. I didn't even like the job I had. I was bored with it. I thought about quitting. But I didn't. I even put job applications in to a few different places. That indicates how much I wanted out. But I stayed. Need to work. At least I got some time off, but I'm not going to enjoy it that much.

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