Saturday, December 30, 2006

What's all the NVidia fuss?

I have Fedora Core 6 installed on 4 different partitions on this computer. I like to play around with Linux a bit. I had no plans on setting up the correct Nvidia driver for this particular desktop because I felt that the Nvidia driver actually slowed down the desktop. It felt 'lethargic' after I installed it. Well, I changed my mind. I took the plunge and installed the Nvidia driver for this desktop. My graphics card is the GeForce FX5200 128 megabyte AGP. I've been using the Livna repos for this install so I typed, as root, 'yum install kmod-nvidia'. Yum did it's job. The driver installed without error. I logged out of the desktop and logged back in. One the way back in the Nvidia logo was seen. That's good. That's what we want to see. Reaching the desktop as regular user I went to the top panel, system, preferences, desktop effects. I commanded Mr. Fedora to enable desktop effects and accepted the defaults. Grabbed the already open terminal and moved it around. What do you know, it works! I dragged the terminal to the side of the screen and the cube effect takes over. Move my mouse pointer to the upper right corner of the screen and all open programs are moved to the center of the screen. Works! Alt/Tab? Works. What's all the Nvidia fuss?


Although I say that I have no trouble with Desktop Effects there is one note of annoyance. When I log in to the desktop for the first time Desktop Effects seem to be partially disabled, to the extent that there are no window borders. I need to 'Enable Desktop Effects' at each log in.

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