Well, I found a job posting on craigslist yesterday. A local company looking for an entry level Linux administrator. This is a job that I'd be interested in, but I have no credentials. The posting listed requirements for the position and I met none of them. Of course, with my automotive background I didn't do any computer systems administration, did I? So I e-mailed the guy and was honest and straight forward with him. Told him that I was very interested in working with Linux but I do not meet the criteria. He replied that I should send my resume along anyhow because he may have something for me. I'm cautiously optimistic. This all may mean nothing given my lack of experience. On the other hand, maybe I could get my foot in the door and learn from the ground up. We'll wait and see. Meanwhile I keep sending out resumes for jobs that I may not be qualified for. No harm trying.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
The Hunt, or "I Need a Job Foo!"
Well, I found a job posting on craigslist yesterday. A local company looking for an entry level Linux administrator. This is a job that I'd be interested in, but I have no credentials. The posting listed requirements for the position and I met none of them. Of course, with my automotive background I didn't do any computer systems administration, did I? So I e-mailed the guy and was honest and straight forward with him. Told him that I was very interested in working with Linux but I do not meet the criteria. He replied that I should send my resume along anyhow because he may have something for me. I'm cautiously optimistic. This all may mean nothing given my lack of experience. On the other hand, maybe I could get my foot in the door and learn from the ground up. We'll wait and see. Meanwhile I keep sending out resumes for jobs that I may not be qualified for. No harm trying.
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