Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Car! - Well, sorta new

I guess that when you're in sales it pays to make a call back a prospect once in a while. Today I took delivery of the 2002 Caravan that we drove last week. It's pretty much the same as the '97 Voyager, the 'grocery getter'. Guess it'll be dubbed 'grocery getter II'. The whole deal took a long time, looking for a car, even though we only went out test driving and looking two or three times. Once we settled on 'grocery getter II' it was a matter of financing. That wasn't a problem except for the fact that the credit union we deal with is on the other side of the state and all the paperwork was through fax and mail. But that big fat check showed up today, UPS next day. These car dealers do pretty much all the footwork for you. All I had to do was to go to the dealership this morning, sign some papers, and give them the check. They got the plates, put an inspection sticker on it, (like it wasn't going to pass inspection), and did everything else that they do to prepare the car for delivery. They called me mid afternoon to let me know that it was ready and even picked me up at the house! Nice! Good thing I had to go back because I forgot to sign 'big fat check'. Heh! I signed, went home and parked 'gg' in the driveway. Wonder when the first payment is due?

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