Saturday, January 20, 2007

Time to reinstall Windows XP - Part 2

This is the second part of my notes on the reinstallation of WindowsXP. As I had stated, Windows was slowing down considerably and I just wasn't satisfied with the performance at all. So on to Windows updates 3.

Third update. This is the big one. Service Pack 2. Gonna take a while so I'd better fire up Freecell. Guarantee I'll have to reboot after this one. Ok, done. An honest 15-20 minutes. And I lost at solitaire. Anyhow, off to reboot yet again. If I don't, that pesky little reminder will keep bothering me. Don't want that! Ok, back up and running after the reboot. This time booting was about 25 seconds, however, this is where you choose new settings. I turn on Automatic Updates and we make it to the desktop. Now my computer 'might be at risk'. The security center is open in the middle of the screen. There is no virus protection found, so I click 'recommendations' and tell Windows that 'I have an antivirus program that I'll monitor myself'. Security Center seems satisfied with that. Automatic Updates is already doing it's job. There are 2 updates ready for my computer. Oh, and I need to restart for the updates to take effect. Ok. Don't know what the updates were though. I reboot and in 20 seconds after choosing Windows from my boot menu I'm back at the desktop. Pretty respectful boot time. Don't think you can ask for much more. Hold everything! There's still more updates available. That rascal Automatic Updates is at it again! Wowzers! 66 updates! I don't have time! But I'll do it anyhow. So here we are, do I want to install Internet Explorer 7? What the heck, I can always reinstall Windows if I don't like it, right, so I install it. This is taking a while I'll tell ya. Oh oh! Another reboot. Dang! Back again. That bootup took 20-22 seconds I'd say. Still not too bad. But this post is getting long. Guess I'll create part III, because I bet we ain't done yet.

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