Monday, January 15, 2007

Trying Debian Etch Linux - Part III

I think that the default Debian fonts are ugly. I don't know if it's just the rendering that is the problem or the fonts themselves. I played with several included fonts. It seems that they all suck, but I don't really have the patience to try any more. I've downloaded an RPM package called webcore-fonts-1.3-1.noarch.rpm. Since it's 'noarch' it should be fine for any distro, right? I'll install this pack and see what I get. Hey! Apparently Debian doesn't support RPM. Foiled again! Found some help in the Ubuntu Forums. Someone says 'apt-get install msttcorefonts'. Those will be the Microsoft True Type fonts. I did, but it looks like I need to log out and in. That's the ticket. Now I have a few more fonts to choose from. I grabbed 'verdana'. One of my favorites, but the fonts still look shitty. I'm not satisfied with the overall look of Debian Etch. I'm sure that I just need to try harder. Maybe change a theme or something. For now, I'll reboot and have a look. After rebooting I see that nothing changed. Still looks crappy. On to other stuff for now. It's not important.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just installed msttcorefonts on my Debian box at work (sarge), and they look shitty as well. I googled & messed around with this for 30 minutes and I couldn't figure anything on how to make them look better. They looked so bad I removed them and went back to the Debian defaults.