Saturday, April 28, 2007

Back to blogging

Time to start using my blog again. I've gotten away from this blog for three months. I was running a server of sorts, at home. It was used for file backup, as a print server for the computers here and I hosted my Wiki on it. Since I spent so much time on the wiki I neglected this blog. That's all changed. The box was running Fedora Core 6 Linux. All in all it worked very well, but I had problems with the Windows client being able to access the Linux box all the time. Seems that access was random at best. The main source of my frustration was when my wife would try to backup Quicken. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. I tried many many times to make sure that access was there but the computer just fought back. Today I gave in and retired the computer and my thoughts of hosting services on a Linux box. I'm currently configuring another computer to run Windows XP and it will be the new server for the household. Along with the loss of the Linux box is the loss of my Wiki. That's the main reason that I'm returning to my blog. It's always here and I don't need to play with much in the way of configuration. So, what will I post next?

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