Saturday, October 13, 2007


I saw FrostWire mentioned in one of the Linux forums and thought that I'd give it a try. I downloaded FrostWire from [ The FrostWire Site]. It saved to my desktop by default. To install the program I opened a terminal and installed the .rpm package.
sudo rpm -ivh /home/glenn/Desktop/frostwire-4.13.2.noarch.rpm
Once installed there will be a new menu item, Applications > Internet > FrostWire. Alas, clicking on FrostWire in the menu did nothing. FrostWire appears to be non-functional. But wait, a little digging for a solution got me some help. A thread at [ Fedora Forum] shows that one needs to install something called '''libXp'''. To do that I opened a terminal and typed
sudo yum install libXp
A few seconds later '''libXp''' was installed. Now clicking the menu item runs FrostWire and I see the '''Language Options screen.

[[Image:screenshot-frostwire setup dialog.png]]

Clicking '''Next''' advances to the welcome screen.

[[Image:screenshot-frostwire setup dialog-1.png]]

Clicking '''Next''' advances to the '''Save Folder''' dialog.

[[Image:screenshot-frostwire setup dialog-2.png]]

I'll leave the save folder as it is. Clicking '''Next''' advances to the '''Connection Speed''' dialog.

[[Image:screenshot-frostwire setup dialog-3.png]]

I have cable so I'll leave the default. Adjust this to your own preference. Clicking '''Next''' advances to the '''Chat Nickname''' dialog.

[[Image:screenshot-frostwire setup dialog-4.png]]

At this point I was unable to type anything in the box. Looking in the FrostWire forums I found that there seems to be a bug in the installer related to language selection. Nothing I tried worked so I cancelled the setup and started it again. This time I was able to type in a chat nickname and move forward with the setup. Clicking '''Next''' advances to the '''Scan For Files''' dialog.

[[Image:screenshot-frostwire setup dialog-5.png]]

I didn't want FrostWire to scan my system so I selected '''No''' and clicked '''Next''', advancing to the '''Finish Setup''' dialog.

[[Image:screenshot-frostwire setup dialog-6.png]]

FrostWire launches and I'm outa here!


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