Saturday, December 30, 2006

The box is empty! What's up with that?

Hey, last week I ordered a little computer device that would allow me to attach different types of hard drives to a usb port, thereby eliminating the need to open the computer case to attach a drive for whatever reason. I ordered it on-line from one of the better known electronics vendors. That was Monday as I recall. Friday, I got a call from my former employer stating that there was a package there for me. I went to pick it up, brought it home and opened it. Nothing! Emptied all the packing peanuts, every single one of them, still nothing! No literature, no part, just air. That's never happened to me before. I thought my ex fellow employees were screwing with me, but clearly, the box had not been opened since shipping. So I called the vendor and explained the situation. He informed me that they would ship another to me in a few days. Great! No questions asked! How kool is that? I don't think I can handle all that's occured in the last seven days! Too much excitement for me.

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