Saturday, December 30, 2006

What do you think you're doing?

As I reported in an earlier post, the family grocery getter was totaled last week. Well, Tuesday, the appraiser told my wife that the tow truck would be by Friday to get the van. So we need to clean the car of all our worldly possessions before we say goodby to gg. You know the type of stuff I mean, things we just can't do without. The folding lawn chairs, the road maps, the umbrella, the thingys that are hanging off of the mirror, the snow brush, etc. I also want to drain the full (doesn't it figure?) gas tank. That's about $50 worth of fuel these days. We hadn't gotten around to the cleanout stage as of Thursday morning. I happened to be at the back of the house smoking a butt ( remember I got laid off? ) when I heard the sound of a truck backup alarm. I looked toward the front of the house to see a ramp truck with chains attached to it's front bumper and the gg's rear frame. He was dragging the gg backwards so that he could get in front of it for the tow. I ran out front and confronted the young fella doing the dragging. I said, "what do you think you're doing, I haven't released this car and I was told it would be picked up tomorrow". He showed me papers that directed him to get my car today. After we both calmed down ( I think he thought that I was gonna whack him ), we agreed that there was a mistake on the date of pickup and that the car would be picked up after Christmas. So there it sits, the grocery getter, battered and broken, now devoid of any personal possessions and awaiting the evacuation of it's load of fuel. What a week it's been!

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